NRA Money to Congress

Follow the Cash and Make a Change in 2020.

I pulled this information back in February of 2018, but I still think it’s relevant.

The survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting may possibly be the most formidable foes the NRA will face.

If they want to make a difference, they need to convince other young people to vote against Members of Congress who accept money from the NRA. Young people often fail to take part in elections. Will the Parkland, Florida deaths +2 finally change that?

Until members of Congress love our children more than they hate giving up their money from the NRA, school shootings will never stop.

The NRA jumps through political loop-holes and goes to untiring lengths to defend the right to bear arms at any cost.

In the 2016 election alone, the NRA spent $11,438,118 to support Donald Trump and another $19,756,346 to oppose Hillary Clinton. That was a whopping $30 million just for Trump.

In April 2017, at the NRA’s annual convention, Trump pledged his allegiance, not to the American flag, but to the NRA, when he said this: “You came through big for me, and I am going to come through for you. The eight-year assault on your Second Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end.”

In total, the NRA spent $51,854,687 during the 2016 federal election cycle.

Additionally, the FBI is reportedly investigating whether the NRA helped funnel and launder money from a Russian banker with ties to the Kremlin to the Trump campaign in 2016.

No wonder the Republicans are in power.

The NRA is in constant snail and email contact with their five million members, mostly to let them know who’s good on the Second Amendment and who’s not.

If the NRA deems any candidate a threat, and/or if any candidate waivers in their support for gun rights, the NRA turns on them, uses intimidation tactics, and targets them during their election bid.

If our leaders cross the NRA, they will never forget, and reprisals will quickly follow.

But if our leaders cross the gun violence prevention movement, there are zero consequences, so it’s an easy decision for those in power who want to stay in power.

They go with the money. And they never bite the NRA hand that feeds them—no matter how many innocent Americans are massacred.

Speaking of money, the NRA stuffs its coffers from two primary sources: membership dues and outside supporters like the Koch family, Freedom Partners and Smith and Wesson.

But it’s the NRA members who bolster their agenda. They are like sheep and are wholly complicit and eagerly willing to follow NRA orders. When the NRA instructs their members to do something, they do it.

And the NRA’s expenditures for these edicts don’t need to be disclosed because they fall into the category of a membership-based group communicating with its members.

The NRA doesn’t care about the slaughtering of our children.

The NRA cares only about their power.

They want to win at any cost.

And winners they are. The NRA had a 73.3 percent success rate by candidate in 2016. They won bigly.

They are laser focused on opposing virtually every form of gun regulation, including restrictions on owning assault weapons, prohibiting people on no-fly and terrorism watch lists from purchasing guns, age restrictions, retention of databases of gun purchases, background checks on purchasers at gun shows and changes in the registration of firearms.

On December 14, 2012, deranged Adam Lanza walked into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, and slaughtered 20 children and six adults with an AR-15-style rifle. Since Newtown, over 100 pieces of gun legislation have failed in Congress. Not one reform has passed.

As the horrifying Florida shooting was unfolding, the NRA was on Twitter busily urging people to “Buy your loved one a gun.”

The information used for the NRA funding below was pulled from the Center for Responsive Politics, a non-profit, nonpartisan research group based in Washington, D.C., that tracks the effects of money and lobbying on elections and public policy. It maintains a public online database of its information at

The NRA funding includes direct contributions, contributions from the NRA Political Victory Fund and NRA employees, as well as independent expenditure support.

There are a total of 535 Members of Congress. 100 serve in the U.S. Senate, and 435 serve in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Elections to the U.S. House of Representatives will be held on November 3, 2020.

All 435 seats will be up for election and relevant information by State and by District can be found below.

The U.S. Senate information is included as well.

Let’s follow the NRA money based on my research back on February 28, 2018.

Note: Dollar figures are career totals going back to 1989. Senator John McCain received the bulk of his donations as the 2008 Republican presidential nominee. For all Congress members, the total includes direct campaign contributions, outside money spent on behalf of candidates from the N.R.A.’s Political Action Committees, and funding from the N.R.A.’s 501(c)(4) social welfare arm.


(District 1): REP. Bradley Byrne, Republican Current age: 62 NRA Funding $9,000

(District 2): REP. Martha Roby, Republican Current age: 41 NRA Funding $14,048

(District 3): REP. Mike Rogers, Republican Current age: 59 NRA Funding $45,850

(District 4): REP. Robert Aderholt, Republican Current age: 52 NRA Funding $73,042

(District 5): REP. Mo Brooks, Republican Current age: 63 NRA Funding $7,000

(District 6): REP. Gary Palmer, Republican Current age: 63 NRA Funding $19,450

(District 7): REP. Terri Sewell Democrat, Current age: 52 NRA Funding $0


ALABAMA SENATOR RICHARD SHELBY, Republican, NRA Funding $259,464

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ALASKA (At Large): Don Young, Republican Current age: 84 NRA Funding $246,285

ALASKA SENATOR LISA MURKOWSKI, Republican, NRA Funding $141,536



(District 1): REP. Tom O’Halleran, Democrat Current age: 71 NRA Funding $0

(District 2): Martha McSally, Republican Current age: 51 NRA Funding $124,437

(District 3): REP. Raul Grijalva, Democrat Current age: 69 NRA Funding $0

(District 4): Paul Gosar, Republican Current age: 59 NRA Funding $22,389

(District 5) Andy Biggs, Republican Current age: 59 NRA Funding $5,000

(District 6): David Schweikert, Republican Current age: 55 NRA Funding $77,687

(District 7): Ruben Gallego, Democrat Current age: 38 NRA Funding $0

(District 8): Trent Franks, Republican Current age: 60 NRA Funding $25,750 – Franks resigned on December 8, 2017, amid sexual allegations.

(District 9): Kyrsten Sinema, Democrat Current age: 41 NRA Funding $0

ARIZONA SENATOR JEFF FLAKE, Republican, Current age: 54 NRA Funding $365,302 – In October 2017, Flake announced that he would not seek re-election in 2018. Flake won by 48% in 2012.

ARIZONA SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN, Republican, NRA Funding $7,740,521

# # #


(District 1): Rick Crawford, Republican Current age: 51 NRA Funding $15,235

(District 2): French Hill, Republican Current age: 61 NRA Funding $1,089,477

(District 3): Steve Womack, Republican Current age: 60 NRA Funding $24,150

(District 4): Bruce Westerman, Republican Current age: 61 NRA Funding $10,500

ARKANSAS SENATOR JOHN BOOZMAN, Republican, NRA Funding $82,352

ARKANSAS SENATOR TOM COTTON, Republican, NRA Funding $1,968,714 

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(District 1): Doug LaMalfa, Republican Current age: 57 NRA Funding $13,500

(District 2): Jared Huffman, Democrat Current age: 53 NRA Funding $0

(District 3): John Garamendi, Democrat Current age: 72 NRA Funding $0

(District 4): Tom McClintock, Republican Current age: 61 NRA Funding $95,156

(District 5): Mike Thompson, Democrat Current age: 66 NRA Funding $50,379

(District 6): Doris Matsui, Democrat Current age: 73 NRA Funding $0

(District 7): Ami Bera, Democrat Current age: 52 NRA Funding $0

(District 8): Paul Cook, Republican Current age: 74 NRA Funding $16,100

(District 9): Jerry McNerney, Democrat Current age: 66 NRA Funding $0

(District 10): Jeff Denham, Republican Current age: 50 NRA Funding $62,900

(District 11): Mark DeSaulnier, Democrat Current age: 65 NRA Funding $0

(District 12): Nancy Pelosi Democrat (House Minority Leader), Current age: 77 NRA Funding $0

(District 13): Barbara Lee, Democrat Current age: 71 NRA Funding $0

(District 14): Jackie Speier, Democrat Current age: 67 NRA Funding $0

(District 15): Eric Swalwell, Democrat Current age: 37 NRA Funding $0

(District 16): Jim Costa, Democrat Current age: 65 NRA Funding $2,900

(District 17): Ro Khanna, Democrat Current age: 41 NRA Funding $0

(District 18): Anna Eshoo, Democrat Current age: 75 NRA Funding $0

(District 19): Zoe Lofgren, Democrat Current age: 70 NRA Funding $0

(District 20): Jimmy Panetta, Democrat Current age: 48 NRA Funding $0

(District 21): David Valadao, Republican Current age: 40 NRA Funding $51,428

(District 22): Devin Nunes, Republican Current age: 44 NRA Funding $37,450

(District 23): Kevin McCarthy Republican (House Majority Leader), Current age: 52 NRA Funding $86,850

(District 24): Salud Carbajal, Democrat Current age: 53 NRA Funding $0

(District 25): Steve Knight, Republican Current age: 51 NRA Funding $13,487

(District 26): Julia Brownley, Democrat Current age: 65 NRA Funding $0

(District 27): Judy Chu, Democrat Current age: 64 NRA Funding $0

(District 28): Adam Schiff, Democrat Current age: 57 NRA Funding $0

(District 29): Tony Cardenas, Democrat Current age: 54 NRA Funding $0

(District 30): Brad Sherman, Democrat Current age: 63 NRA Funding $0

(District 31): Pete Aguilar, Democrat Current age: 38 NRA Funding $0

(District 32): Grace Napolitano, Democrat Current age: 81 NRA Funding $0

(District 33): Ted Lieu, Democrat Current age: 48 NRA Funding $0

(District 34):  Jimmy Gomez, Democrat Current Age: 43 NRA Funding $0

(District 35): Norma Torres, Democrat Current age: 52 NRA Funding $0

(District 36): Raul Ruiz, Democrat Current age: 45 NRA Funding $0

(District 37): Karen Bass, Democrat Current age: 64 NRA Funding $0

(District 38): Linda Sanchez, Democrat Current age: 48 NRA Funding $0

(District 39): Ed Royce, Republican Current age: 66 NRA Funding $111,120 – On Jan. 8, 2018, Royce announced that he would not seek re-election.

(District 40): Lucille Roybal-Allard, Democrat Current age: 76 NRA Funding $0

(District 41): Mark Takano, Democrat Current age: 57 NRA Funding $0

(District 42): Ken Calvert, Republican Current age: 64 NRA Funding $147,166

(District 43): Maxine Waters, Democrat Current age: 79 NRA Funding $0

(District 44): Nanette Barragan, Democrat Current age: 41 NRA Funding $0

(District 45): Mimi Walters, Republican Current age: 55 NRA Funding $19,650

(District 46): Lou Correa, Democrat Current age: 59 NRA Funding $0

(District 47): Alan Lowenthal, Democrat Current age: 76 NRA Funding $0

(District 48): Dana Rohrabacher, Republican Current age: 70 NRA Funding $42,150

(District 49): Darrell Issa, Republican Current age: 64 NRA Funding $54,270 – Issa announced on January 10, 2018, that he will retire at the end of his term in 2018. Issa beat his Democratic challenger, Douglas Applegate, by less than one percentage point. This seat was seen as a toss-up that could potentially go to a Democrat in 2018, even before Issa’s retirement announcement. Issa is reportedly considering running for Rep. Duncan Hunter’s seat, should the Republican decide to retire.

(District 50):  Duncan D. Hunter, Republican Current age: 41 NRA Funding $81,959

(District 51): Juan Vargas, Democrat Current age: 56 NRA Funding $0

(District 52): Scott Peters, Democrat Current age: 59 NRA Funding $0

(District 53): Susan Davis, Democrat Current age: 73 NRA Funding $0

CALIFORNIA SENATOR DIANNE FEINSTEIN, Democrat, Current age: 83 NRA Funding $0 – Intent for 2018 unknown.  Feinstein won by 63% in 2012.


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(District 1): Diana DeGette, Democrat Current age: 60 NRA Funding $0

(District 2): Jared Polis, Democrat Current age: 42 NRA Funding $0

(District 3): Scott Tipton, Republican Current age: 61 NRA Funding $105,214

(District 4): Ken Buck, Republican Current age: 58 NRA Funding $838,315

(District 5): Doug Lamborn, Republican Current age: 63 NRA Funding $45,440

(District 6): Mike Coffman, Republican Current age: 62 NRA Funding $112,054

(District 7): Ed Perlmutter, Democrat Current age: 64 NRA Funding $0


COLORADO SENATOR CORY GARDNER, Republican, NRA Funding $3,879,064 

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(District 1): John B. Larson, Democrat Current age: 69 NRA Funding $0

(District 2): Joe Courtney, Democrat Current age: 64 NRA Funding $0

(District 3): Rosa DeLauro, Democrat Current age: 74 NRA Funding $0

(District 4): Jim Hines, Democrat Current age: 51 NRA Funding $0

(District 5): Elizabeth Esty, Democrat Current age: 58 NRA Funding $0


CONNECTICUT SENATOR CHRISTOPHER MURPHY, Democrat, Current age: 43 NRA Funding $0 – Murphy is running in 2018.  Murphy won by 55% in 2012.

# # #

DELAWARE (At Large): Lisa Blunt Rochester, Democrat Current age: 55 NRA Funding $0

DELAWARE SENATOR THOMAS CARPER, Democrat, Current age: 70 NRA Funding $0 – His intent for 2018 is unknown. Carper won by 66% in 2012.


# # #


(District 1): Matt Gaetz, Republican Current age: 35 NRA Funding $3,000

(District 2): Neal Dunn, Republican Current age: 64 NRA Funding $6,000

(District 3): Ted Yoho, Republican Current age: 62 NRA Funding $16,410

(District 4): John Rutherford, Republican Current age: 65 NRA Funding $3,200

(District 5): Al Lawson, Democrat Current age: 69 NRA Funding $2,500

(District 6): Ron DeSantis, Republican Current age: 39 NRA Funding $27,529 – (DeSantis officially launched his bid for governor in January 2018.)

(District 7): Stephanie Murphy, Democrat Current age: 39 NRA Funding $0

(District 8): Bill Posey, Republican Current age: 70 NRA Funding $16,800

(District 9): Darren Soto, Democrat Current age: 39 NRA Funding $0

(District 10): Val Demings, Democrat Current age: 60 NRA Funding $0

(District 11): Daniel Webster, Republican Current age: 68 NRA Funding $37,788

(District 12): Gus Bilirakis, Republican Current age: 54 NRA Funding $24,150

(District 13): Charlie Crist, Democrat Current age: 61 NRA Funding $12,900

(District 14): Kathy Castor, Democrat current age: 51 NRA Funding $0

(District 15): Dennis Ross, Republican Current age: 58 NRA Funding $35,250

(District 16): Vern Buchanan, Republican Current age: 66 NRA Funding $21,037

(District 17): Tom Rooney, Republican Current age: 47 NRA Funding $29,232  – Rooney is not seeking reelection. Rooney was reportedly deeply affected by the shooting at a practice for the Congressional Baseball Game in June 2017.

(District 18): Brian Mast, Republican Current age: 36 NRA Funding $32,519

(District 19): Francis Rooney, Republican Current age: 64 NRA Funding $0

(District 20): Alcee Hastings, Democrat Current age: 81 NRA Funding $10,900

(District 21): Ted Deutch, Democrat Current age: 51 NRA Funding $0

(District 22): Lois Frankel, Democrat Current age: 69 NRA Funding $0

(District 23): Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democrat Current age: 51 NRA Funding $0

(District 24): Frederica Wilson, Democrat Current age: 75 NRA Funding $0

(District 25): Mario Diaz-Balart, Republican Current age: 56 NRA Funding $37,450

(District 26): Carlos Curbelo, Republican Current age: 37 NRA Funding $20,150

(District 27): Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Republican Current age: 65 NRA Funding $2,000 – (Ross announced on April 30, 2017, that she would not seek re-election.)

FLORIDA SENATOR BILL NELSON, Democrat, Current Age: 74 NRA Funding $0 – Nelson is running in 2018. Nelson won by 55% in 2012.

FLORIDA SENATOR MARCO RUBIO, Republican, NRA Funding $3,303,355

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Georgia (District 1): Buddy Carter, Republican Current age: 60 NRA Funding $12,300

(District 2): Sanford Bishop, Democrat Current age: 70 NRA Funding $58,815

Georgia (District 3): Drew Ferguson, Republican Current age: 51 NRA Funding $3,250

(District 4): Hank Johnson, Democrat Current age: 63 NRA Funding $0

(District 5): John Lewis, Democrat Current age: 77 NRA Funding $0

Georgia (District 6): Karen Handel, Republican Current Age: 56 NRA Funding $24,997

Georgia (District 7): Rob Woodall, Republican Current age: 47 NRA Funding $4,000

Georgia (District 8): Austin Scott, Republican Current age: 48 NRA Funding $26,586

Georgia (District 9): Doug Collins, Republican Current age: 51 NRA Funding $11,140

Georgia (District 10): Jody Hice, Republican Current age: 57 NRA Funding $25,967

Georgia (District 11): Barry Loudermilk, Republican Current age: 54 NRA Funding $19,900

Georgia (District 12): Rick W. Allen, Republican Current age: 66 NRA Funding $4,000

(District 13): David Scott, Democrat Current age: 71 NRA Funding $0

Georgia (District 14): Tom Graves, Republican Current age: 47 NRA Funding $36,150

GEORGIA SENATOR JOHNNY ISAKSON, Republican, NRA Funding $130,809

GEORGIA SENATOR DAVID PERDUE, Republican, NRA Funding $1,825,006

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(District 1): Colleen Hanabusa, Democrat Current age: 66 NRA Funding $0

(District 2): Tulsi Gabbard, Democrat Current age: 36 NRA Funding $0

HAWAII SENATOR MAZIE HIRONO, Democrat, Current age: 69 NRA Funding $0 – Running in 2018. Hirono won by 63% in 2012.


# # #


(District 1): Raul Labrador, Republican Current age: 50 NRA Funding $21,550 – Labrador announced in 2017 that he would finish out his current term but then run for governor of Idaho in 2018. Labrador is a founding member of the House Freedom Caucus.

(District 2): Mike Simpson, Republican Current age: 67 NRA Funding $385,731

IDAHO SENATOR MIKE CRAPO, Republican, NRA Funding $81,840

IDAHO SENATOR JAMES RISCH, Republican, NRA Funding $18,850

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(District 1): Bobby Rush, Democrat Current age: 71 NRA Funding $0

(District 2): Robin Kelly, Democrat Current age: 61 NRA Funding $0

(District 3): Dan Lipinski, Democrat Current age: 51 NRA Funding $0

(District 4): Luis Gutierrez, Democrat Current age: 64 NRA Funding $0

(District 5): Mike Quigley, Democrat Current age: 58 NRA Funding $0

(District 6): Peter Roskam, Republican Current age: 56 NRA Funding $48,200

(District 7): Danny K. Davis, Democrat Current age: 76 NRA Funding $0

(District 8): Raja Krishnamoorthi, Democrat Current age: 44 NRA Funding $0

(District 9): Jan Schakowsky, Democrat Current age: 73 NRA Funding $0

(District 10): Brad Schneider, Democrat Current age: 56 NRA Funding $0

(District 11): Bill Foster, Democrat Current age: 62 NRA Funding $0

(District 12): Mike Bost, Republican Current age: 57 NRA Funding $22,906

(District 13): Rodney Davis, Republican Current age: 47 NRA Funding $45,269

(District 14): Randy Hultgren, Republican Current age: 51 NRA Funding $17,000

(District 15): John Shimkus, Republican Current age: 59 NRA Funding $59,304

(District 16): Adam Kinzinger, Republican Current age: 39 NRA Funding $19,800

(District 17): Cheri Bustos, Democrat Current age: 56 NRA Funding $0

(District 18): Darin LaHood, Republican Current age: 49 NRA Funding $17,990



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(District 1): Pete Visclosky, Democrat Current age: 68 NRA Funding $0

(District 2): Jackie Walorski, Republican Current age: 54 NRA Funding $22,903

(District 3): Jim Banks, Republican Current age: 38 NRA Funding $18,218

(District 4): Todd Rokita, Republican Current age: 47 NRA Funding $13,250

(District 5): Susan Brooks, Republican Current age: 57 NRA Funding $12,600

(District 6): Luke Messer, Republican Current age: 48 NRA Funding $32,300

(District 7): Andre Carson, Democrat Current age: 43 NRA Funding $0

(District 8): Larry Bucshon, Republican Current age: 55 NRA Funding $15,250

(District 9): Trey Hollingsworth, Republican Current age: 34 NRA Funding $5,000

INDIANA SENATOR JOE DONNELLY, Democrat, Current Age: 61 NRA Funding $22,400 – Donnelly is running in 2018. Donnelly won by 50% in 2012.

INDIANA SENATOR TODD YOUNG, Republican, NRA Funding $2,896,732

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Iowa (District 1): Rod Blum, Republican Current age: 62 NRA Funding $45,279

(District 2): Dave Loebsack, Democrat Current age: 65 NRA Funding $0

Iowa (District 3): David Young, Republican Current age: 49 NRA Funding $707,662

Iowa (District 4): Steve King, Republican Current age: 68 NRA Funding $63,404

IOWA SENATOR JONI ERNST, Republican, NRA Funding $3,124,273

IOWA SENATOR CHUCK GRASSLEY, Republican, NRA Funding $235,907

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(District 1): Roger Marshall, Republican Current age: 57 NRA Funding $4,500

(District 2): Lynn Jenkins, Republican Current age: 54 NRA Funding $30,000 – (Jenkins announced on Jan. 25, 2017, that she would not seek re-election.)

(District 3): Kevin Yoder, Republican Current age: 41 NRA Funding $80,950

(District 4): Ron Estes, Republican Current Age: 61 NRA Funding $6,979

KANSAS SENATOR JERRY MORAN, Republican, NRA Funding $54,250

KANSAS SENATOR PAT ROBERTS, Republican, NRA Funding $1,584,153

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(District 1): James Comer, Republican Current age: 45 NRA Funding $11,192

(District 2): Brett Guthrie, Republican Current age: 53 NRA Funding $16,500

(District 3): John Yarmuth, Democrat Current age: 70 NRA Funding $0

(District 4): Thomas Massie, Republican Current age: 46 NRA Funding $27,317

(District 5): Hal Rogers, Republican Current age: 80 NRA Funding $73,100

(District 6): Andy Barr, Republican Current age: 44 NRA Funding $14,874

KENTUCKY SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL, Republican, NRA Funding $1,261,874

KENTUCKY SENATOR RAND PAUL, Republican, NRA Funding $104,456

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(District 1): Steve Scalise, Republican Current age: 52 NRA Funding $59,177

(District 2): Cedric Richmond, Democrat Current age: 44 NRA Funding $0

(District 3): Clay Higgins, Republican Current age: 56 NRA Funding $3,500

(District 4): Mike Johnson, Republican Current age: 45 NRA Funding $7,223

(District 5): Ralph Abraham, Republican Current age: 63 NRA Funding $7,500

(District 6): Garret Graves, Republican Current age: 45 NRA Funding $14,400

LOUISIANA SENATOR BILL CASSIDY, Republican, NRA Funding $2,861,047

LOUISIANA SENATOR JOHN KENNEDY, Republican, NRA Funding $215,788

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(District 1): Chellie Pingree, Democrat Current age: 62 NRA Funding $0

(District 2): Bruce Poliquin, Republican Current age: 64 NRA Funding $201,398


MAINE SENATOR ANGUS KING, Independent, Current age: 72 NRA Funding $0 – King is running in 2018. King won by 53% in 2012.

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(District 1): Andy Harris, Republican Current age: 60 NRA Funding $53,297

(District 2): Dutch Ruppersberger, Democrat Current age: 71 NRA Funding $0

(District 3): John Sarbanes, Democrat Current age: 55 NRA Funding $0

(District 4): Anthony G. Brown, Democrat Current age: 56 NRA Funding $0

(District 5): Steny Hoyer, Democrat Current age: 78 NRA Funding $0

(District 6): John Delaney, Democrat Current age: 54 NRA Funding $0

(District 7): Elijah Cummings, Democrat Current age: 66 NRA Funding $0

(District 8): Jamie Raskin, Democrat Current age: 55 NRA Funding $0

MARYLAND SENATOR BENJAMIN CARDIN, Democrat Current age: 73 NRA Funding $0 – Intent for 2018 is unknown.  Cardin won by 56% in 2012.


# # #


(District 1): Richard Neal, Democrat Current age: 68 NRA Funding $0

(District 2): Jim McGovern, Democrat Current age: 58 NRA Funding $0

(District 3) Niki Tsongas, Democrat Current age: 71 NRA Funding $0

(District 4): Joe Kennedy, Democrat Current age: 37 NRA Funding $0

(District 5): Katherine Clark, Democrat Current age: 54 NRA Funding $0

(District 6): Seth Moulton, Democrat Current age: 39 NRA Funding $0

(District 7): Mike Capuano, Democrat Current age: 65 NRA Funding $0

(District 8): Stephen F. Lynch, Democrat Current age: 62 NRA Funding $0

(District 9): Bill Keating, Democrat Current age: 65 NRA Funding $0


MASSACHUSETTS SENATOR ELIZABETH WARREN, Democrat Current age: 67 NRA Funding $0 – Warren is running in 2018. Warren won by 54% in 2012.

# # #


(District 1): Jack Bergman, Republican Current age: 70 NRA Funding $11,400

(District 2): Bill Huizenga, Republican Current age: 48 NRA Funding $30,250

(District 3): Justin Amash, Republican Current age: 37 NRA Funding $17,046

(District 4): John Moolenaar, Republican Current age: 56 NRA Funding $10,554

(District 5): Dan Kildee, Democrat Current age: 59 NRA Funding $0

(District 6): Fred Upton, Republican Current age: 64 NRA Funding $15,500

(District 7): Tim Walberg, Republican Current age: 66 NRA Funding $96,138

(District 8): Mike Bishop, Republican Current age: 50 NRA Funding $10,082

(District 9): Sander Levin, Democrat Current age: 86 NRA Funding $0

(District 10): Paul Mitchell, Republican Current age: 61 NRA Funding $4,000

(District 11): David Trott, Republican Current age: 57 NRA Funding $7,100 – Trott announced on Sept. 11, 2017, that he would not seek re-election. His district is Republican-leaning, but it has been recently reported that a Democrat could flip the seat.

(District 12): Debbie Dingell, Democrat Current age: 64 NRA Funding $0

(District 13): John Conyers, Democrat Current age: 88 NRA Funding $0 – Conyers stepped down in December 2017 after multiple former aides accused him of sexual misconduct. His seat will remain open until November 2018.

(District 14): Brenda Lawrence, Democrat Current age: 63 NRA Funding $0


MICHIGAN SENATOR DEBBIE STABENOW, Democrat Current age: 66 NRA Funding $0– Intent for 2018 unknown. Stabenow won by 59% in 2012.

# # #


(District 1): Tim Walz, Democrat Current age: 53 NRA Funding $27,950

(District 2): Jason Lewis, Republican Current age: 62 NRA Funding $7,950

(District 3): Erik Paulsen, Republican Current age: 52 NRA Funding $63,700

(District 4): Betty McCollum, Democrat Current age: 63 NRA Funding $0

(District 5): Keith Ellison, Democrat Current age: 54 NRA Funding $0

(District 6): Tom Emmer, Republican Current age: 56 NRA Funding $5,877

(District 7): Collin Peterson, Democrat Current age: 73 NRA Funding $98,500

(District 8): Rick Nolan, Democrat Current age: 74 NRA Funding $0

MINNESOTA SENATOR AMY KLOBUCHAR, Democrat Current age: 56 NRA Funding $0 – Klobuchar is running in 2018. Klobuchar won by 65% in 2012.

MINNESOTA SENATOR TINA SMITH, Democrat, Current age: 59 NRA Funding $0

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(District 1): Trent Kelly, Republican Current age: 51 NRA Funding $8,750

(District 2): Bennie Thompson, Democrat Current age: 69 NRA Funding $0

(District 3): Gregg Harper, Republican Current age: 61 NRA Funding $18,650 – In January 2108 Harper announced that he would not seek re-election at the end of his term.

(District 4): Steven Palazzo, Republican Current age: 47 NRA Funding $21,901

MISSISSIPPI SENATOR THAD COCHRAN, Republican Current age: 80  NRA Funding $65,833  —  In March 2018 Cochran announced his resignation effective April 1 due to ill health, resulting in his seat being on the ballot this fall.

MISSISSIPPI SENATOR ROGER WICKER, Republican Current age: 65 NRA Funding $89,406 – Wicker is running for re-election in 2018. Wicker won by 57% in 2012.

# # #


(District 1): William Clay, Democrat Current age: 61 NRA Funding $0

(District 2): Ann Wagner, Republican Current age: 55 NRA Funding $15,150

(District 3): Blaine Luetkemeyer, Republican Current age: 57 NRA Funding $39,375

(District 4): Vicky Hartzler, Republican Current age: 57 NRA Funding $63,555

(District 5): Emanuel Cleaver, Democrat Current age: 73 NRA Funding $0

(District 6): Sam Graves, Republican Current age: 54 NRA Funding $97,394

(District 7): Billy Long, Republican Current age: 62 NRA Funding $31,874

(District 8): Jason T. Smith, Republican Current age: 37 NRA Funding $6500

MISSOURI SENATOR ROY BLUNT, Republican, NRA Funding $4,551,146

MISSOURI SENATOR CLAIRE MCCASKILL, Democrat Current age: 63 NRA Funding $0 – McCaskill is running in 2018. McCaskill won by 55% in 2012.

# # #

MONTANA (At Large): Greg Gianforte, Republican Current age: 56 NRA Funding $344,630

MONTANA SENATOR STEVE DAINES, Republican, NRA Funding $85,432

MONTANA SENATOR JON TESTER, Democrat Current age: 60 NRA Funding $0 – Tester is running in 2018. Tester won by 49% in 2012.

# # #


(District 1): Jeff Fortenberry, Republican Current age: 57 NRA Funding $32,450

(District 2): Don Bacon, Republican Current age: 54 NRA Funding $22,700

(District 3): Adrian Smith, Republican Current age: 47 NRA Funding $59,495

NEBRASKA SENATOR DEB FISCHER, Republican, Current Age: 65 NRA Funding $14,309 – Intent for 2018 unknown. Fischer won by 56% in 2012.

NEBRASKA SENATOR BEN SASSE, Republican NRA Funding $68,623

# # #


(District 1): Dina Titus, Democrat Current age: 67 NRA Funding $0

(District 2): Mark Amodei, Republican Current age: 59 NRA Funding $44,265

(District 3): Jacky Rosen, Democrat Current age: 60 NRA Funding $0

(District 4): Ruben Kihuen, Democrat Current age: 37 NRA Funding $0


NEVADA SENATOR DEAN HELLER, Republican Current age: 56 NRA Funding $112,315 – Heller is running in 2018. Heller won by 46% in 2012.

# # #


(District 1): Carol Shea-Porter, Democrat Current age: 65 NRA Funding $0

(District 2): Ann McLane Kuster, Democrat Current age: 61 NRA Funding $0



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(District 1): Donald Norcross, Democrat Current age: 59 NRA Funding $0

(District 2): Frank LoBiondo, Republican Current age: 71 NRA Funding $6,400 – (LoBiondo will retire from Congress at the end of his term.)

(District 3): Tom MacArthur, Republican Current age: 57 NRA Funding $7,280

(District 4): Chris Smith, Republican Current age: 64 NRA Funding $0

(District 5): Josh Gottheimer, Democrat Current age: 42 NRA Funding $0

(District 6): Frank Pallone, Democrat Current age: 66 NRA Funding $0

(District 7): Leonard Lance, Republican Current age: 65 NRA Funding $1,000

(District 8): Albio Sires, Democrat Current age: 66 NRA Funding $0

(District 9): Bill Pascrell, Democrat Current age: 80 NRA Funding $0

(District 10): Donald Payne, Jr., Democrat Current age: 59 NRA Funding $0

(District 11): Rodney Frelinghuysen, Republican Current age: 71 NRA Funding $11,400 – Frelinghuysen is retiring at the end of his term.

(District 12): Bonnie Watson Coleman, Democrat Current age: 72 NRA Funding $0


NEW JERSEY SENATOR ROBERT MENENDEZ, Democrat, Current age: 63 NRA Funding $0 – Intent for 2018 is unknown. Menendez won by 59% in 2012. Menendez will not face a new bribery and corruption trial after a federal judge declared a mistrial in the case in November 2017.

# # #


(District 1): Michelle Lujan Grisham, Democrat Current age: 58 NRA Funding $0

(District 2): Steve Pearce, Republican Current age: 70 NRA Funding $129,250 – Pearce announced that would run for governor of his state instead of re-election.

(District 3): Ben Ray Lujan, Democrat Current age: 45 NRA Funding $5,500

NEW MEXICO SENATOR MARTIN HEINRICH, Democrat, Current age: 45 NRA Funding $6,500 – Heinrich is running in 2018. Heinrich won by 51% in 2012.


# # #


(District 1): Lee Zeldin, Republican Current age: 37 NRA Funding $56,281

(District 2): Peter King, Republican Current age: 73 NRA Funding $9,900

(District 3): Thomas Suozzi, Current age: 55 NRA Funding $0

(District 4): Kathleen Rice, Democrat Current age: 52 NRA Funding $0

(District 5): Gregory Meeks, Democrat Current age: 64 NRA Funding $0

(District 6): Grace Meng, Democrat Current age: 42 NRA Funding $0

(District 7): Nydia Velazquez, Democrat Current age: 64 NRA Funding $0

(District 8): Hakeem Jeffries, Democrat Current age: 47 NRA Funding $0

(District 9): Yvette Clarke, Democrat Current age: 53 NRA Funding $0

(District 10): Jerrold Nadler, Democrat Current age: 70 NRA Funding $0

(District 11): Daniel Donovan, Republican Current age: 61 NRA Funding $0

(District 12): Carolyn Maloney, Democrat Current age: 69 NRA Funding $0

(District 13): Adriano Espaillat, Democrat Current age: 63 NRA Funding $0

(District 14): Joseph Crowley, Democrat Current age: 55 NRA Funding $0

(District 15): Jose Serrano, Democrat Current age: 74 NRA Funding $0

(District 16): Eliot Engel, Democrat Current age: 70 NRA Funding $0

(District 17): Nita Lowey, Democrat Current age: 80 NRA Funding $0

(District 18): Sean Patrick Maloney, Democrat Current age: 51 NRA Funding $0

(District 19): John Faso, Republican Current age: 65 NRA Funding $44,939

(District 20): Paul Tonko, Democrat Current age: 68 NRA Funding $0

(District 21): Elise Stefanik, Republican Current age: 33 NRA Funding $21,736

(District 22): Claudia Tenney, Republican Current age: 56 NRA Funding $46,529

(District 23): Tom Reed, Republican Current age: 46 NRA Funding $34,575

(District 24): John Katko, Republican Current age: 55 NRA Funding $46,001

(District 25): Louise Slaughter, Democrat Current age: 88 NRA Funding $0

(District 26): Brian Higgins, Democrat Current age: 58 NRA Funding $6,000

(District 27): Chris Collins, Republican Current age: 67 NRA Funding $8,400

NEW YORK SENATOR KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND, Democrat, Current age: 50 NRA Funding $0 – Gillibrand is running in 2018. Gillibrand won by 72% in 2012.


# # #


(District 1): G.K. Butterfield, Democrat Current age: 70 NRA Funding $0

(District 2): George Holding, Republican Current age: 49 NRA Funding $20,450

(District 3): Walter Jones, Republican Current age: 74 NRA Funding $0 NRA Funding $59,900

(District 4): David Price, Democrat Current age: 77 NRA Funding $0

(District 5): Virginia Foxx, Republican Current age: 74 NRA Funding $33,150

(District 6): Mark Walker, Republican Current age: 48 NRA Funding $8,000

(District 7): David Rouzer, Republican Current age: 45 NRA Funding $15,000

(District 8): Richard Hudson, Republican Current age: 46 NRA Funding $26,500

(District 9): Robert Pittenger, Republican Current age: 69 NRA Funding $16,150

(District 10): Patrick McHenry, Republican Current age: 42 NRA Funding $57,381

(District 11): Mark Meadows, Republican Current age: 58 NRA Funding $10,900

(District 12): Alma Adams, Democrat Current age: 71 NRA Funding $0

(District 13): Ted Budd, Republican Current age: 46 NRA Funding $16,900


NORTH CAROLINA SENATOR THOM TILLIS, Republican, NRA Funding $4,418,012

# # #

NORTH DAKOTA (At Large): Kevin Cramer, Republican Current age: 56 NRA Funding $35,424

NORTH DAKOTA SENATOR HEIDI HEITKAMP, Democrat, Current age: 61 NRA Funding $0 – Intent for 2018 unknown. Heitkamp won by 50% in 2012.


# # #


(District 1): Steve Chabot, Republican Current age: 64 NRA Funding $113,689

(District 2): Brad Wenstrup, Republican Current age: 59 NRA Funding $12,400

(District 3): Joyce Beatty, Democrat Current age: 66 NRA Funding $0

(District 4): Jim Jordan, Republican Current age: 53 NRA Funding $36,550

(District 5): Bob Latta, Republican Current age: 61 NRA Funding $55,074

(District 6): Bill Johnson, Republican Current age: 63 NRA Funding $58,985

(District 7): Bob Gibbs, Republican Current age: 63 NRA Funding $24,550

(District 8): Warren Davidson, Republican Current age: 47 NRA Funding $5,850

(District 9): Marcy Kaptur, Democrat Current age: 71 NRA Funding $0

(District 10): Mike Turner, Republican Current age: 57 NRA Funding $32,342

(District 11): Marcia Fudge, Democrat Current age: 65 NRA Funding $0

(District 12): Pat Tiberi, Republican Current age: 55 NRA Funding $58,100 – Tiberi resigned from Congress on Jan. 15, 2018.

(District 13): Tim Ryan, Democrat Current age: 44 NRA Funding $28,001

(District 14): David Joyce, Republican Current age: 60 NRA Funding $47,840

(District 15): Steve Stivers, Republican Current age: 52 NRA Funding $70,402

(District 16): Jim Renacci, Republican Current age: 59 NRA Funding $45,656

OHIO SENATOR SHERROD BROWN, Democrat, Current age: 64 NRA Funding $0 – Brown is running in 2018. Brown won by 51% in 2012. (The NRA spent $1,076,957 to try to defeat Brown.)

OHIO SENATOR ROB PORTMAN, Republican, NRA Funding $3,061,941

# # #


(District 1):  Jim Bridenstine, Republican Current age: 42 NRA Funding $8,000

(District 2): Markwayne Mullin, Republican Current age: 40 NRA Funding $35,850

(District 3): Frank Lucas, Republican Current age: 57 NRA Funding $73,324

(District 4): Tom Cole, Republican Current age: 68 NRA Funding $38,100

(District 5): Steve Russell, Republican Current age: 54 NRA Funding $21,430

OKLAHOMA SENATOR JAMES INHOFE, Republican, NRA Funding $121,100 


# # #


(District 1): Suzanne Bonamici, Democrat Current age: 63 NRA Funding $0

(District 2) Greg Walden, Republican Current age: 60 NRA Funding $93,400

(District 3) Earl Blumenauer, Democrat Current age: 69 NRA Funding $0

(District 4): Peter DeFazio, Democrat Current age: 70 NRA Funding $0

(District 5): Kurt Schrader, Democrat Current age: 66 NRA Funding $7,500



# # #


(District 1): Bob Brady, Democrat Current age: 72 NRA Funding $0

(District 2): Dwight Evans, Democrat Current age: 63 NRA Funding $0

(District 3): Mike Kelly, Republican Current age: 69 NRA Funding $32,109

(District 4): Scott Perry, Republican Current age: 55 NRA Funding $13,250

(District 5): Glenn Thompson, Republican Current age: 58 NRA Funding $35,436

(District 6): Ryan Costello, Republican Current age: 41 NRA Funding $9,900

(District 7): Pat Meehan, Republican Current age: 62 NRA Funding $14,850 – In a letter to his campaign chairman on Jan. 25, 2018, Meehan reportedly said he would not be seeking re-election. His decision was reportedly made following reports that he allegedly used taxpayer money to fund a settlement to a former aide who claimed she was sexually harassed by him.

(District 8): Brian Fitzpatrick, Republican Current age: 44 NRA Funding $0

(District 9): Bill Shuster, Republican Current age: 56 NRA Funding $82,150 – Shuster announced on Jan. 2, 2017 that he would not seek re-election in 2018.

(District 10): Tom Marino, Republican Current age: 65 NRA Funding $26,025

(District 11): Lou Barletta, Republican Current age: 61 NRA Funding $19,906

(District 12): Keith Rothfus, Republican Current age: 55 NRA Funding $14,400

(District 13): Brendan F. Boyle, Democrat Current age: 40 NRA Funding $0

(District 14): Michael Doyle, Democrat Current age: 64 NRA Funding $0

(District 15): Charlie Dent, Republican Current age: 57 NRA Funding $33,600 – Dent said on Sept. 7, 2017, that he would not seek re-election.

(District 16): Lloyd Smucker, Republican Current age: 53 NRA Funding $222,736

(District 17): Matt Cartwright, Democrat Current age: 56 NRA Funding $0

(District 18): Timothy F. Murphy, Republican Current age: 65 NRA Funding $49,500 – In October 2017 Murphy announced that he would resign his position in Congress following news reports that the staunchly anti-abortion lawmaker, had an affair and asked his mistress to get an abortion when they believed she was pregnant.

PENNSYLVANIA SENATOR ROBERT CASEY, Democrat, Current age: 56 NRA Funding $0 – Casey is running in 2018. Casey won by 54% in 2012.


# # #


(District 1): David Cicilline, Democrat Current age: 56

(District 2): Jim Langevin, Democrat Current age: 53


RHODE ISLAND SENATOR SHELDON WHITEHOUSE, Democrat, Current age: 61 NRA Funding $0 – Whitehouse is running in 2018. Whitehouse won by 64% in 2012.

# # #


(District 1): Mark Sanford, Republican Current age: 57 NRA Funding $18,860

(District 2): Joe Wilson, Republican Current age: 70 NRA Funding $48,839

(District 3): Jeff Duncan, Republican Current age: 51 NRA Funding $36,750

(District 4): Trey Gowdy, Republican Current age: 53 NRA Funding $28,750 – Gowdy announced in January 2018 that he would not seek re-election.

(District 5): Ralph Norman, Republican Current age: 65 NRA Funding $10,029

(District 6): Jim Clyburn, Democrat Current age: 77 NRA Funding $9,900

(District 7): Tom Rice, Republican Current age: 60 NRA Funding $16,500



# # #

SOUTH DAKOTA (At Large): Kristi Noem, Republican Current age: 46 NRA Funding $41,235 –  Instead of seeking re-election in 2018, Noem announced in November 2016 that she would run for governor instead.

SOUTH DAKOTA SENATOR MIKE ROUNDS, Republican, NRA Funding $89,433 

SOUTH DAKOTA SENATOR JOHN THUNE, Republican, NRA Funding $632,486

# # #


(District 1): Phil Roe, Republican Current age: 72 NRA Funding $0

(District 2): Jimmy Duncan, Republican Current age: 70 NRA Funding $24,201 – Duncan announced in July 2017 that he would not seek re-election. Duncan’s sister, state Sen. Becky Duncan Massey, could launch a bid for his empty seat.

(District 3): Chuck Fleischmann, Republican Current age: 55 NRA Funding $19,200

(District 4): Scott DesJarlais, Republican Current age: 53 NRA Funding $32,050

(District 5): Jim Cooper, Democrat Current age: 63 NRA Funding $0

(District 6): Diane Black, Republican Current age: 66 NRA Funding $23,875 – In August 2017 Black announced that she was going to run for governor in her state.

(District 7): Marsha Blackburn, Republican Current age: 65 NRA Funding $62,550

(District 8): David Kustoff, Republican Current age: 51 NRA Funding $5,000

(District 9): Steve Cohen, Democrat Current age: 68 NRA Funding $0


TENNESSEE SENATOR BOB CORKER, Republican, Current age: 64 NRA Funding $79,203 – Corker announced On September 27, 2017, that he would retire. Corker won by 65% in 2012.

# # #


(District 1): Louie Gohmert, Republican Current age: 64 NRA Funding $39,105

(District 2): Ted Poe, Republican Current age: 69 NRA Funding $36,041 – In a Twitter message on Nov. 7, 2017, Poe announced that he will not seek re-election.

(District 3): Sam Johnson, Republican Current age: 87 NRA Funding $46,450 – Johnson announced his retirement on Jan. 6, 2017.

(District 4): John Ratcliffe, Republican Current age: 52 NRA Funding $6,500

(District 5): Jeb Hensarling, Republican Current age: 60 NRA Funding $64,700 – In October 2017 Hansarling announced that he will not run for re-election in 2018.

(District 6): Joe Barton, Republican Current age: 68 NRA Funding $86,698  – Barton announced on Nov. 30, 2017, that he was retiring from Congress after a nude photo of him surfaced on social media.

(District 7): John Culberson, Republican Current age: 61 NRA Funding $69,250

(District 8): Kevin Brady, Republican Current age: 62 NRA Funding $34,050

(District 9): Al Green, Democrat Current age: 70 NRA Funding $0

(District 10): Michael McCaul, Republican Current age: 55 NRA Funding $76,050

(District 11): Mike Conaway, Republican Current age: 69 NRA Funding $54,200

(District 12): Kay Granger, Republican Current age: 74 NRA Funding $48,400

(District 13): Mac Thornberry, Republican Current age: 59 NRA Funding $70,000

(District 14): Randy Weber, Republican Current age: 64 NRA Funding $16,650

(District 15): Vicente Gonzalez, Democrat Current age: 50 NRA Funding $0

(District 16): Beto O’Rourke, Democrat Current age: 45 NRA Funding $0

(District 17): Bill Flores, Republican Current age: 63 NRA Funding $39,500

(District 18): Sheila Jackson Lee, Democrat Current age: 67 NRA Funding $0

(District 19): Jodey Arrington, Republican Current age: 45 NRA Funding $9,000

(District 20): Joaquin Castro, Democrat Current age: 43 NRA Funding $0

(District 21): Lamar S. Smith, Republican Current age: 70 NRA Funding $41,014 – In November 2017 Smith announced that he would retire from Congress at the end of his term.

(District 22): Pete Olson, Republican Current age: 55 NRA Funding $41,700

(District 23): Will Hurd, Republican Current age: 40 NRA Funding $59,950

(District 24): Kenny Marchant, Republican Current age: 66 NRA Funding $25,050

(District 25): Roger Williams, Republican Current age: 68 NRA Funding $28,700

(District 26): Michael Burgess, Republican Current age: 67 NRA Funding $24,450

(District 27): Blake Farenthold, Republican Current age: 56 NRA Funding $32,850 – Farenthold said he won’t run for re-election after multiple accusations of sexual harassment, misconduct, and inappropriate behavior surfaced in December 2017

(District 28): Henry Cuellar, Democrat Current age: 62 NRA Funding $40,549

(District 29): Gene Green, Democrat Current age: 70 NRA Funding $52,250

(District 30): Eddie Johnson, Democrat Current age: 82 NRA Funding $0

(District 31): John Carter, Republican Current age: 76 NRA Funding $54,200

(District 32): Pete Sessions, Republican Current age: 62 NRA Funding $158,111

(District 33): Marc Veasey, Democrat Current age: 46 NRA Funding $0

(District 34): Filemon Vela, Jr., Democrat Current age: 54 NRA Funding $0

(District 35): Lloyd Doggett, Democrat Current age: 71 NRA Funding $0

(District 36): Brian Babin, Republican Current age: 69 NRA Funding $17,700

TEXAS SENATOR JOHN CORNYN, Republican, NRA Funding $71,995 

TEXAS SENATOR TED CRUZ, Republican, Current age: 46 NRA Funding $360,727 – Cruz is running in 2018. Cruz won by 57% in 2012.

# # #


(District 1): Rob Bishop, Republican Current age: 66 NRA Funding $55,700

(District 2): Chris Stewart, Republican Current age: 57 NRA Funding $18,500

(District 3): John Curtis, Republican Current age: 50 NRA Funding $1,000

(District 4): Mia Love, Republican Current age: 42 NRA Funding $93,119

UTAH SENATOR ORRIN HATCH, Republican, Current age: 82 NRA Funding $140,748 – Hatch announced on Jan. 2, 2018 that he would not seek re-election at the end of his term. Hatch’s decision was largely viewed as a path for Mitt Romney to run for the open seat. Hatch won by 65% in 2012.

UTAH SENATOR MIKE LEE, Republican, NRA Funding $8,291 

# # #

VERMONT (At Large): Peter Welch, Democrat Current age: 70 NRA Funding $1,000


VERMONT SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS, Independent, Current age: 75 NRA Funding $0

# # #


(District 1): Rob Wittman, Republican Current age: 58 NRA Funding $28,150

(District 2): Scott Taylor, Republican Current age: 38 NRA Funding $8,250

(District 5): Thomas Garrett, Jr., Republican Current age: 45 NRA Funding $7,174

(District 6): Bob Goodlatte, Republican Current age: 65 NRA Funding $136,424 – Goodlatte announced on Nov. 9, 2017, that he would not seek re-election

(District 7): Dave Brat, Republican Current age: 53 NRA Funding $19,889

(District 9): Morgan Griffith, Republican Current age: 59 NRA Funding $32,936

(District 10): Barbara Comstock, Republican Current age: 58 NRA Funding $137,232

(District 3): Robert Scott, Democrat Current age: 70 NRA Funding $0

(District 4): Donald McEachin, Democrat Current age: 56 NRA Funding $0

(District 8): Don Beyer, Democrat Current age: 67 NRA Funding $0

(District 11): Gerry Connolly, Democrat Current age: 67 NRA Funding $0

VIRGINIA SENATOR TIM KAINE, Democrat, Current age: 58 NRA Funding $0 – Kaine is running in 2018. Kaine won by 53% in 2012.


# # #


(District 1): Suzan DelBene, Democrat Current age: 54 NRA Funding $0

Washington (District 2): Rick Larsen, Democrat Current age: 52 NRA Funding $0

Washington (District 3): Jaime Herrera Beutler, Republican Current age: 39 NRA Funding $95,298

Washington (District 4): Dan Newhouse, Republican Current age: 62 NRA Funding $7,250

Washington (District 5): Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Republican Current age: 48 NRA Funding $54,125

Washington (District 6): Derek Kilmer, Democrat Current age: 43 NRA Funding $0

Washington (District 7): Pramila Jayapal, Democrat Current age: 52 NRA Funding $0

Washington (District 8): Dave Reichert, Republican Current age: 67 NRA Funding $20,200 – In September 2017 Reichert said he would not seek re-election. His district was already being targeted by Democrats in 2018. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton won the area in the 2016 election.

Washington (District 9): Adam Smith, Democrat Current age: 52 NRA Funding $0

Washington (District 10): Dennis Heck, Democrat Current age: 65 NRA Funding $0

WASHINGTON SENATOR MARIA CANTWELL, Democrat Current age: 58 NRA Funding $0 – Intent for 2018 unknown. Cantwell won by 61% in 2012.


# # #


(District 1): David McKinley, Republican Current age: 70 NRA Funding $19,800

(District 2): Alex Mooney, Republican Current age: 46 NRA Funding $33,700

(District 3): Evan Jenkins, Republican Current age: 57 NRA Funding $5,250


WEST VIRGINIA SENATOR JOE MANCHIN, Democrat, Current age: 69 NRA Funding $0  – Manchin is running in 2018. Manchin won by 61% in 2012.

# # #


(District 1): Paul Ryan Republican (Speaker of the House) Current age: 47 NRA Funding $345,489

(District 2): Mark Pocan, Democrat Current age: 53 NRA Funding $0

(District 3): Ron Kind, Democrat Current age: 54 NRA Funding $38,982

(District 4): Gwen Moore, Democrat Current age: 66 NRA Funding $0

(District 5): Jim Sensenbrenner, Republican Current age: 74 NRA Funding $29,950

(District 6): Glenn Grothman, Republican Current age: 62 NRA Funding $16,850

(District 7): Sean Duffy, Republican Current age: 46 NRA Funding $65,505

(District 8): Mike Gallagher, Republican Current age: 33 NRA Funding $40,262

WISCONSIN SENATOR TAMMY BALDWIN, Democrat, Current age: 54 NRA Funding $0 – Baldwin is running in 2018. Baldwin won by 51% in 2012.

WISCONSIN SENATOR RON JOHNSON, Republican, NRA Funding $1,269,486 

# # #

WYOMING (At Large): Liz Cheney, Republican Current age: 51 NRA Funding $15,600

WYOMING SENATOR JOHN BARRASSO, Republican, Current age: 64 NRA Funding $21,489 – Intent for 2018 unknown. Barrasso won by 76% in 2012.

WYOMING SENATOR MIKE ENZI, Republican, NRA Funding $24,722 

# # #

If our leaders won’t act, it’s up to us to elect leaders who will.

You can find your governor’s phone number below:

Kay Ivey
Phone: (334) 242-7100

Bill Walker
Phone: (907) 465-3500

American Samoa
Lolo Matalasi Moliga
Phone: +011 (684) 633-4116

Doug Ducey
Phone: (602) 542-4331

Asa Hutchinson
Phone: (501) 682-2345

Edmund Brown
Phone: (916) 445-2841

John Hickenlooper
Phone: (303) 866-2471

Dan Malloy
Phone: (800) 406-1527

John Carney
Phone: (302) 744-4101

District of Columbia
Mayor Muriel Bowser
Phone: (202) 727-2643

Rick Scott
Phone: (850) 488-7146

Nathan Deal
Phone: (404) 656-1776

Eddie Calvo
Phone: (671) 472-8931

David Ige
Phone: (808) 586-0034

C.L “Butch” Otter
Phone: (208) 334-2100

Bruce Rauner
Phone: (217) 782-0244

Eric Holcomb
Phone: (317) 232-4567

Kim Reynolds
Phone: (515) 281-5211

Jeff Colyer
Phone: (785) 296-3232

Matt Bevin
Phone: (502) 564-2611

John Bel Edwards
Phone: (225) 342-7015

Paul LePage
Phone: (207) 287-3531

Larry Hogan
Phone: (410) 974-3901

Charlie Baker
Phone: (617) 725-4005

Rick Snyder
Phone: (517) 373-3400

Mark Dayton
Phone: (651) 201-3400

Phil Bryant
Phone: (601) 359-3150

Eric Greitens
Phone: (573) 751-3222

Steve Bullock
Phone: (406) 444-3111

Pete Ricketts
Phone: (402) 471-2244

Brian Sandoval
Phone: (775) 684-5670

New Hampshire
Chris Sununu
Phone: (603) 271-2121

New Jersey
Phil Murphy
Phone: (609) 292-6000

New Mexico
Susana Martinez
Phone: (505) 476-2200

New York
Andrew Cuomo
Phone: (518) 474-8390

North Carolina
Roy Cooper
Phone: (919) 814-2000

North Dakota
Doug Burgum
Phone: (701) 328-2200

Northern Mariana Islands
Ralph Deleon Guerrero Torres
Phone: (670) 664-2280

John Kasich
Phone: (614) 466-3555

Mary Fallin
Phone: (405) 521-2342

Kate Brown
Phone: (503) 378-4582

Tom Wolf
Phone: (717) 787-2500

Puerto Rico
Ricardo Rosselló
Phone: (787) 721-7000

Rhode Island
Gina Raimondo
Phone: (401) 222-2080

South Carolina
Henry McMaster
Phone: (803) 734-2100

South Dakota
Dennis Daugaard
Phone: (605) 773-3212

Bill Haslam
Phone: (615) 741-2001

Greg Abbott
Phone: (512) 463-2000

Gary R. Herbert
Phone: (801) 538-1000

Phil Scott
Phone: (802) 828-3333

Virgin Islands
Kenneth Mapp
Phone: (340) 774-0001

Ralph Northam
Phone: (804) 786-2211

Jay Inslee
Phone: (360) 902-4111

West Virginia
Jim Justice
Phone: (304) 558-2000

Scott Walker
Phone: (608) 266-1212

Matthew Mead
Phone: (307) 777-7434

Learn more about where your members of Congress stand at

If you see any errors in this article, please comment below.


Us vs. Them

Every time one of my Facebook “friends” try to politically cut me down or make a snarky comment on MY FACEBOOK PAGE, I can’t help but think about my in-laws.

“Trust no one except your own.”

I heard this sentiment from my Holocaust surviving mother-in-law in her thick German accent hundreds, no; thousands of times.

She’s gone from us.  Almost all of the witnesses to that unspeakable annihilation are gone.

I often wonder what she would say about the current state of politics.

I doubt that she would be surprised at all.

“Our neighbors turned us in. People we thought were our friends.”

He knew the “officials” he dealt with, my father-in-law would tell me. They’d attended the same schools, and knew each other’s parents, brothers, sisters.

“None of that mattered,” he would mutter. “I was their enemy,” he would state so matter of factly.

Am I the enemy?

Would my neighbors and friends turn me in if someone high-up in government asked them to?

I know in my ordered mind, that will never happen to me.

But then again, my in-laws thought the same thing.

Us vs. them.

Sometimes I read the hateful posts my Facebook friends share, and I cringe.

Some posts are a bridge too far, so those authors got the unfriending ax.

Other posts, I simply hide.

But is that enough?

My husband was born in 1950, here in the US of A.

If he had been born to Fritzi and Fred just a few years earlier, in Vienna, he would surely be dead.

Political hatred gone wild.

The Fates and the Furies

The Fates

The Furies

I love me some mythological figures.

And these days, myth is a whole lot easier to swallow than reality.

And come on, I know I’m not the only one obsessed with Game of Thrones’ Daenerys Targaryen and her three ill-tempered winged dragons.

The stories of Greek mythology have always fascinated me. From heroes and monsters to flying stallions, I found the creatures unnerving yet beguiling.

But none more than the Fates and the Furies.


I’ll start with the Fates: Three sisters, who determined human destinies and affected the paths of all of the universe. The ultimate girl power.

Clotho (The Spinner), Lachesis (The Allotter) and Atropos (The Inflexible) were goddesses of predetermination, spinners of the thread of life and dealers of some crazy karma.

And if you dared to step out of line and make these ladies mad? They didn’t get mad; they got even. Let’s just say karma was a bitch—times three.

Clotho, the youngest of the Fates spun the thread of destiny. Lachesis measured its allotted length, and when she decided that the thread was long enough, she would give the order to Atropos, the oldest of the sisters, to snip the thread with her shears, cruelly cutting through the cord of life.

In older mythology, the Fates were fatherless and created by the goddess Nyx (Night) without the intervention of man.

Clotho (the present), Lachesis (the future), and Atropos (the past) are almost always depicted as weavers of tapestry on a loom, with the tapestry dictating the destinies of men. The threads often appear incredibly delicate and yet we know that only Atropos’ sharp and menacing shears can cut through them. Her ability to end it all suggests the unforgiving power of karma.


And then there were the Furies: Three furious and infuriated sisters.

Homer mentioned them in the Iliad as daughters of the night who had no pity in their hearts. And in the Odyssey, he referred to them as the “avenging Furies.”

Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone were three powerhouse goddesses who lived in the underworld and exacted vengeance and retribution on wicked men who hurt women and swore false oaths.

The Furies were spawns of earth and sky.

The three daughters were born of Gaia (Mother Earth), who conceived them in the drops of blood from Uranus (Father Heaven) that fell upon her body when he was castrated by his son Cronus with a jagged sickle made of adamant.


Their Latin names translate as follows: Alecto (Unceasing), Megaera (Grudge), and Tisiphone (Retribution).

They were guardians and protectors of the law when the state had not yet intervened or did not exist, or when the offense was a crime of ethics and not actual law.

Their brass wings made escape impossible; their ripping claws made their torment relentless. They would harass and injure their prey but never killed them.

They punished men for crimes against the natural order and were particularly angered by homicide, perjury, and unkind acts against one’s family. The Furies also protected underdogs and social outcasts.

A victim seeking justice could call down the curse of the Furies upon the criminal, the liar, the unethical, and those sisters would get to work.

Now, these are my kind of girls.

Tormentors who pursued unpunished evildoers and relentlessly hounded lying, cheating, unethical men.

The Fates and the Furies: six powerful badass women, who were the embodiment of divine order and law.

We sure could use some avenging and relentless Furies right about now, with a little fateful karma thrown in.

The Light Is Still On

He was born in the winter, on a cold and rainy Wednesday night.

He was finally mine, and I was struck with an enlightening love I had never before known. The January of my life.

When I would call him mister-man in my baby talky voice, he smiled big and toothless, his brown eyes twinkled, and I felt warm in his love.

And when he needed me most, I rocked him through the pain, the dark, the disquiet.

I refused to put him down, lest he rolled over amidst the bandages.

And I made sure a light was always on, more for me than mister-man.

That was before the silence, before the break.

Seasons come and seasons go.

Too many, I fear.

But the light will never dim.