Category Archives: The Teri Tome – Top Hits and Duds

The Best and Worst of the Teri Tome in 2024

This blog post is longer than you may have the patience for, but I hope you hang in there.

According to the writing assistant Grammarly, I am a writing machine and “have my eye on the prize.” The cloud-based program has already analyzed over 102.8 million of my words since the 2015 launch of my blog, and based on my 2024 writing style, Grammarly has also dubbed me “A Powerhouse.”

I wouldn’t call myself a powerhouse, but in the nine years since launching The Teri Tome, I have been blessed with almost two million readers and four million page views. And in 2024 alone, close to 200,000 readers visited my blog, and I sincerely appreciate every one of them.

But it was Grammarly’s assertion that “I had my eye on the prize” that got me thinking:

What prize am I eyeing?

Is it readership, page views, uplifting comments, book sales, personal satisfaction, or something else? I thought about this question for a while, and then it hit me.

The prize I’m eyeing is that years from now, someone might read my work or come across something I’ve written that moves them. It might be a poem, a blog post, or one of my books that connects them to me. And whether they knew me or not, I hope they spend some time thinking about who I was.

So, that’s the prize I have my eye on: that my writing will help ensure that I’m still lurking around somewhere long after I’m gone. And that maybe my words will go a long way to ensuring my legacy, one letter of the alphabet at a time. And speaking of time, at 71, I’m running out of it, so now, more than ever, I need to make every word count.

Writing is my life, and I cherish the process, including my disciplined daily routine, which involves several hours of intense wordsmithing. Only after a grueling day of writing do I feel like I’ve accomplished something.

When words and ideas come into my head, I feel compelled to instantly jot them down for fear of forgetting them. My writing pattern includes scribbling jumbled-up sentences in the dead of night that I often discover on my nightstand the following day, with no recollection of writing them in the first place. And those unconsciously and frequently illegible words usually result in countless hours of scrutinizing and deciphering.

I’ve set down snippets of written phrases on ink-bleeding tissues and napkins, and I’ve been known to occasionally scrawl all over my arms and hands when there was nothing else to write on. Because once a thought or idea gets stuck in my brain, I’m on a do-or-die mission to write it all out.

2024 wasn’t filled with as many blog posts as in prior years, primarily because I was busy writing two books!

And I would be remiss if I didn’t take the opportunity to highlight both of them here. (Please don’t judge me for being long-winded.)

My newest release, Me Too: A Poetic Timeline, just came out, although I’ve been writing it since 1967. The impetus for publishing it resulted from a rough conversation with my best friend about my sharing MeToo much, which triggered an onslaught of emotions. Well, maybe not an onslaught—just four.

At first, I was angry at her for hurting me, then I was angry at myself for being unable to control my mouth, followed by pride in myself for speaking out. The fourth emotion was more of a resignation—the knowledge that most people will never understand the why and how of MeToo and me.

Following that frank conversation, I took a critical look at myself, my MeToo pain, and my inability to shut up about it, which had me asking myself: When is MeToo too much?

The answer that immediately came to my mind is NEVER.

But now that I’ve finally published my book, Me Too: A Poetic Timeline—a compilation of journal entries I’ve been writing for fifty-seven years—I feel a renewed sense of myself. My MeToo book of poetry allowed me the freedom to speak my truth and gave me a sliver of peace—an infinitesimal sliver, but I’ll gladly take it.

During my 2024 process of going back in time, combing through five decades and hundreds of journal entries and poems, I realized that my MeToo life played out in four painful but definitive life-altering phases.

Phase One: Shut it

Phase Two: Whisper it

Phase Three: Scream it

Phase Four: Write it

And now, I’m hoping to get to the final phase—the one where I know MeToo will never be too much, but to a place where I can keep it to myself. Me and MeToo will always be one. You see, it’s at the heart of who I am.

At first, I thought the final phase would be like the phrase in the movie The Ten Commandments: “So let it be written, so let it be done.”

But now I realize that my Me Too nightmare will never be done, but at least now it’s written.

I published Tarot for Beginners this past summer. I’ll keep the description of this book plain and simple: It is a unique, fun, and quirky way to add some amusing entertainment to a social gathering.

Now, back to my 2024 blog posts. Having spent the past twelve months writing two books, I only wrote 24 blog posts in 2024, although I’m proud to say they generated approximately 120,000 page views.

Additionally, The Teri Tome garnered close to another 300,000 page views for posts written before 2024. That’s a whopping 420,000 for 2024, way more page views than I could ever have imagined when I launched my blog in 2015.

Let’s start with:


CHIMERA: In analyzing my best and worst blog posts of 2024, I got chill bumps when I saw the date I wrote this one—4/18/24. It turned out that while I was writing this post about a nightmare I had at 3 am that morning, someone I once knew and loved was dying on that same day.

The chilling part is that I didn’t find out about the death until two months later, in mid-June. So, I can only assume that my dream was a sign, a vision, or a premonition on the day this person passed away.

While this post about an evil-looking, part-goat, part-lion-creepy-beast was my least viewed, it holds tremendous personal significance and meaning. That’s all I’ll say for now.

#1 HIT IN 2024

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY: ME TOO, UNLESS YOU’RE A JEW: I assume this blog post was number one primarily because I posted it on several Jewish forums. Without my Jewish readership, I am all but certain that this blog entry would not have been as widely read, which makes me incredibly sad but also outrageously mad.

Here in the U.S. and all around the globe, women’s groups ignored, denied, and actually justified the rape of innocent women and children on October 7. That feminist groups whitewashed Hamas’s crimes is unforgivable, particularly when considering this terrorist organization mandates the hijab, has made it illegal to travel without a male guardian, and refuses to ban physical or sexual abuse within the family.

And speaking only for myself, I will never forgive or forget those people who defaced posters of kidnapped innocent people or their spewing of anti-Semitic disinformation about Jews that has poisoned the minds of so many.

And it will be a cold day in hell before I ever again go out and defend the rights of certain people who cared nothing for the rights of Jewish Americans.

#2 HIT IN 2024

THE ITSY-BITSY SPIDER FIASCO: This number two blog post made me smile. In a year when I was deeply troubled by the social and political climate, it was refreshing to see that my attempt at comic relief paid off. And leave it to our precious kids to say the darnedest things.

#3 HIT IN 2024

NOVA MUSIC FESTIVAL: THE SCREAMING GIRL: Once again, I think my posting this blog entry on several Jewish forums is why it garnered so many page views and took the number three spot.

The Nova Music Festival Exhibition in New York City—an in-depth remembrance of the brutal October 7 attack in Israel—was a heartbreaking reminder of that horrific day when Hamas terrorists and Palestinian civilian animals descended upon the rave and stalked, chased, massacred, raped, mutilated, and kidnapped innocent people.

Many of the Nova Music Festival survivors—especially the young women who witnessed or experienced sexual violence that day—have sadly recounted that over the past year, they feel like they are screaming into the void as they try to counter anti-Israel propaganda, antisemitism, and false, inaccurate misinformation online.

And I have to admit that I have kept my distance from my so-called friends for saying nothing—or worse—saying “but” in response to not only the sexual violence of October 7 but to the anti-Jewish protests that have been a disgusting, dangerous, and outrageous display of hate against Jewish Americans.

#4 HIT IN 2024

D-DAY JUNE 6, 1944: BEFORE, DURING, AND AFTER: My father-in-law is a hero in my eyes, so I was especially gladdened to see that my post about him made it to number four in 2024.

Just a year or so before storming the beaches of Normandy, he and my mother-in-law had arrived in the U.S. after a four-year odyssey through Europe in their effort to escape the Nazis.

He helped to liberate untold numbers of towns and villages in France, as well as untold numbers of fellow Jews in concentration camps and helped to keep freedom alive for all of us.

#5 HIT IN 2024

HE HAD ME AT HUMBLE: It dawned on me when this blog entry made it to number five that four out of my top five posts were about Judaism, Jewish teachings, Nazis, and Jewish atrocities.

I can only surmise that all of the antisemitism I have witnessed over the past year subconsciously affected and motivated what I wrote about.

This post is about the teachings of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, also known as the Lubavitcher Rebbe, regarding the unimportance of one’s importance and how the moon serves as the perfect example of humility and humbleness.

The moon’s light is not its own—it is merely a reflection of the sun’s light. And so the moon reminds us to be a graceful receiver of our shining, beautiful light, which does not belong to us but to a higher authority.


WEDDING CENTERPIECES THAT CAN SAVE THE WORLD: For the past four years, this blog entry about wedding centerpieces (or the lack thereof) has been hands down my most-viewed post, garnering hundreds of thousands of page views. However, as the mother of a daughter who is getting married this June, I have come to the realization that florists will always win out over “in lieu of wedding centerpieces.”

As I said goodbye to 2024, I lost too many hours of sleep, fretting over the coming of 2025 and beyond. My New Year’s resolution was to remove my obsession with politics and all things Trump from my everyday life. And while I’m not a fan of Trump, my opinion of him will be forever changed and indeed elevated if he does right by Israel, the October 7 hostages, and Jewish Americans.

And lastly, my wish for you in 2025 is that you are in excellent health, surrounded by loving family and friends, and enjoy all the freedoms and rights we, as Americans, deserve.

The Best and Worst of the Teri Tome in 2023

I have been beyond thankful that over 15,000 people per month come to my blog, The Teri Tome, to read what I have to say.

Since launching The Teri Tome on 3/18/15, I’ve had over 1.4 million readers and over 3.2 million page views.

And I suspect some of those readers are deeply unhappy or nervously afraid about my postings or what I might post next.

But frankly, my dear…

Writing helps me make sense of life’s stuff. It’s like talking to myself but in written form.

Anyway, the marked increase in traffic to The Teri Tome has me writing like a crazy person. And for every written post I publish, you should know that I also write a post that is most definitely unpublishable — at least for now.

I’ve put all those unpublished posts in a safe place on my computer, so to my family, if you’re reading this: When the time comes that I am no longer, please carefully and thoroughly comb through my computer files. There is a treasure trove of everything you mostly didn’t know about Teri because you never asked. I can only hope that when I reach the other side, you will honor me and my memory by reading every word.

In 2023, I wrote 38 blog posts, resulting in over 200,000 collected page views for those posts alone. Additionally, The Teri Tome garnered close to another 200,000 page views for posts written before 2023.  And please don’t think I’m bragging, but that’s a whopping 400,000+ page views in one year.

Of the 38 posts, fifteen were chapters of my novel-on-a-blog, primarily written decades ago, titled: “My Stolen Diaries.” Speaking of my novel, I first started posting it on The Teri Tome on 1/12/20. To date, I have posted 97 of my book’s total 159 written pages. However, I will tell you a little secret: I still haven’t figured out the ending.

According to the writing assistant Grammarly, I’ve achieved grammar greatness — the cloud-based program has already analyzed over 63.2 million of my words since the 2015 launch of my blog. Per Grammarly, I was more productive than 96% of their users, 93% more accurate, 96% more unique words, and my top mistake? Missing commas.

And now for the big reveal.


MY DELTA WINGS: I’m constantly trying to figure out why some of my blog posts garner thousands of page views and others in the hundreds. Maybe it’s the title, maybe it’s the content, and maybe it’s both. Whatever the reason, this poem was my least-trafficked post in 2023, but I hope you give it a read because it’s very near and dear to me, mostly because at 20 years old, Delta Airlines freed me from my MeToo nightmare.

#1 HIT IN 2023

MY STOLEN DIARIES — CHAPTER 16: IN OVER MY HEAD: I was pleasantly surprised to see that Chapter 16 was the #1 post of 2023. How many of us have been in over our heads? For years, I’ve asked myself, “What if this?” or “What if that?” which is what I was thinking about when I sat down to write this Chapter.

#2 HIT IN 2023

MY STOLEN DIARIES — CHAPTER 23: SHE’S AN AWKWARD GIRL: The #2 spot honors another chapter of my novel-on-my blog. My Stolen Diaries is a work of fiction, but I know a thing or two about being awkward and being bullied for it. I’ve come to accept that were it not for my awkwardness and the bullies, I would not have had the empathy to write Chapter 23. My lead character, Tony, is shy but unafraid to speak the truth. And as of late, don’t think me crazy, but she often talks to me. Many readers have asked me if there is any truth to the fiction I write. I can only answer by saying that there is no fiction without truth.

#3 HIT IN 2023

MY DAUGHTER DREAM: The popularity of this #3 blog post didn’t surprise me at all because my unicorn daughter was the inspiration. When my daughter was around five, she told me she was my guardian angel, and oh yes, she is.

#4 HIT IN 2023

MY STOLEN DIARIES —  CHAPTER 22: O HOLY NIGHT: I channeled the female solidarity of growing up in an all-women household when I wrote this chapter, so I’m happy to see it’s the #4 post of 2023. Those precious women taught me strength through adversity, and I will forever be grateful for their grit and resolve.

#5 HIT IN 2023

THINKING OF YOU TODAY: I was more introspective than happy about the popularity of this #5 post. And I was also a bit anxious because rereading it touched something raw in me. It also made me question if I should continue writing about my house of glass, pane by pain. For like a minute.

#6 HIT IN 2023

I SEE YOU: Just so you know, I’ve been second-guessing my writing purpose for a while now, so the popularity of this #6 post of 2023 left me nostalgic and longing for what was. And yet, I know deep inside that what was will never be again.

#7 HIT IN 2023

I wrote Chapter 25 in the late 80s while undergoing intense life-altering events. The fact that it made it to #7 and garnered so many page views in 2023 lifted my spirits and gave me the impetus to continue posting my novel no matter what or despite who.

#8 HIT IN 2023

MY STOLEN DIARIES — CHAPTER 20: HELP!: Chapter 20 made it to the #8 spot and reminded me that I’ve been adept at helping but have never been one to ask for it. And yet, I still believe what is meant for someone will never pass them by.

#9 HIT IN 2023

MY STOLEN DIARIES — CHAPTER 15: ROBERTO, ROBERTO, ROBERTO: Although I wrote this chapter decades ago, I gave it a written facelift in 2023. I did so because I felt the need to expand the concept that our choices and decisions are often our undoing. We make our choices, and then our choices take over and make us. And then there are the choices made for us by someone else — a life shaped by decisions made by other people. How many of our lives are the consequences of a series of decisions made for us instead of by us? That’s how Chapter 15, my #9 hit in 2023, came to be.

#10 HIT IN 2023

I KNOW WHY THE CAGED BIRD SINGS: It was no surprise that this post made it to #10. In many belief systems, ten signifies completion — the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Soon to enter my 71st year here on earth, I can’t help but wonder, “Will this be the year my nightmare chapter ends?” So that you know, I can take a verbal hit better than most. And I’ve heartbreakingly closed life chapters I never wanted to end and will never forget. But I still haven’t figured out how to close that one ugly chapter I’ve spent fifty-six years trying to erase.


WEDDING CENTERPIECES THAT CAN SAVE THE WORLD: From 2015 to 2020, my all-time most-viewed post was about bullies and bullying behavior. I sadly equated it with the 2014 election and that certain powerful someone who, through his own ugly and hate-filled words, permitted bullies to crawl out of their holes. At the end of 2021, and at first analysis, I thought my blog post about brides beating out bullies was a positive outcome — a possible new world order. Mostly because I naively thought that fewer people needed to read about bullies — because perhaps fewer people were being bullied. But I have come to the sad realization that since 2020, it has become way more commonplace to bully and to be bullied. People no longer need to research or understand bullies and bullying, mainly because so many of us have been experiencing the hatefulness of it in real-time — day in and day out, with no one able or willing to stop it. So, for the past three years, weddings have far surpassed bullies as my number one most-viewed blog post, garnering hundreds of thousands of page views. Although it took me a while, I now sadly get the fact that weddings come and go, while hate only begets more hate.

And just like that, another year was over and done.

As I said goodbye to 2023, I also said goodbye to a childhood friend in mid-December. My dear friend was a particularly tough loss and the culmination of a sh*tstorm of a year.

2023 has often felt like a movie trailer to me. And while there was no spoiler alert, the preview and glimpse of the plot, characters, and tone, combined with nonstop political and anti-Semitic horrors, have done a relatively good job of keeping me up until the wee hours of the morning.

Like I needed anything more to add to my sleepless, restless nights.

I can only wish that 2024 brings all of us the plot twists we’re hoping for, although there is no doubt that some of us will be apoplectic.

I sure hope it’s not me.

The Teri Tome–My Top Five 2022 Posts

According to Grammarly, a cloud-based typing assistant, I have used their program to word-check 1.2 million words in 2022.

And the total number of words Grammarly has word-checked since I started my blog “The Teri Tome” in 2015 is a whopping 5.9 million. That’s a sh*tload of words, but in the end, what purpose does all that writing serve?

For as long as I can remember, stories and miscellanea visions brewed around in my head. Free-flowing words and phrases were stuck inside my kiddie brain, begging to come out—the only proof of them was hidden in the pages of my mind or laid out in secret code in my diaries and journals.

I’ve spent a ton of time thinking about why I obsessively head-write and how I have managed to successfully transcribe those thoughts to paper.

To be honest, there is no rhyme or reason to my literary artistry, primarily because the words just spill out, and the stories tend to write themselves. So much for talent.

The writing is literally and literarily out of my control. It happens all day and all night—every day and every night. It never stops. The scribbling on scraps of paper, the pocket notepads always at the ready, my prowess at writing in the dark.

Countless words erratically squiggled right side up, sideways, and even upside down. Sometimes I try to piece them together like a jigsaw puzzle—a montage of edited and unedited thoughts, feelings, and dreams.

Reams of notes cover my desk, bedside table, kitchen counter, and my car’s center console. I keep paper and pencil with me at all times.

My writing element of choice is a PaperMate Sharpwriter #2 pencil. Even as a child, I never liked using pens—I always found them way too permanent.

To this day, a pencil is the only writing element I use.

WRITE – ERASE – WRITE – ERASE. That’s how I write it out.

And I write it out because my brain is hard-wired to spill and spell it all out. Or maybe it’s not my brain, but something deep inside my heart.

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know that I am nothing, if not transparent—an open book. Maybe too open. But why?

Perhaps I feel compelled to write it all out because I was hidden in plain sight as a child. Sort of seen but never heard, and mostly invisible. My very existence was always carefully guarded and monitored by those in charge of me.

You probably think, “enough about the how and the why of your words; just give me your top five blog posts already.”

But sorry, not sorry, I can’t stop thinking about why I feel compelled to write it all down before it’s too late, or how my words will play into the memory of me, and what my written purpose is.

But the endless self-examination always brings me back to the same old place: A written, frequently uncensored record of my subconscious self.

In 2022, I wrote 24 blog posts, which collectively comprised about 72,000 page views.

The total number of page views for my blog was over 600,000 in 2022, up slightly from last year, so I’m thankful.

Okay, so finally, here are my top five best-performing blog posts from 2022.

And since many of the older posts brought in most of my page views, I’ve included the #1 hit of all Teri Tome time (2015-2022).

#1 HIT IN 2022

This Poem Is for You: I feel humbled by the massive number of views this poem received. I love to write poetry, but I’m not much of a rhymer, so I have little confidence in the poesy department. I’d like to think this poem got so many hits because everyone can relate to love’s ebbs and flows.

#2 HIT IN 2022

My Stolen Diaries – Chapter 9: Father Panik Village: I wrote this chapter almost thirty years ago. The thousands of hits this post accumulated keep me confident that uploading chapters of my novel My Stolen Dairies onto my blog is the right thing to do. To date, I have posted thirteen chapters, consisting of 51 pages, onto The Teri Tome. That leaves 101 pages of my novel left to post, so stay tuned.

#3 HIT IN 2022

What About the Sanctity of the Born?:

I’m happy this post got thousands of page views, but I’m also horrified and disgusted that women’s rights have been so cavalierly taken away. As a wordsmith, I chose the word cavalierly with purpose. During the English Civil War, the word cavalier was a negative label used to describe the wealthy, primarily male, royal loyalists and fervent supporters of King Charles I until his beheading in 1649. I’m not recommending any beheadings but get those creepy cavaliers out of our bedrooms!

#4 HIT IN 2022

Are You Reading This Poem?: Wow. Another poem. I can only hope that the person I wrote this poem for was one of the many thousands who viewed it. And I still have faith that one day we will reunite.

#5 HIT IN 2022

The Hourglass: Yet another poem! That makes three poems in the top five! I am both amazed and flattered that this poem about fragility on Mother’s Day reached so many people. And it goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway: Thank God for my precious grandchildren.

#1 HIT OF ALL TERI TOME TIME (2015-2022)

Wedding Centerpieces that Can Save the World: My #1 blog post of all time (2015-2022) is a repeat of last year. This post, which has garnered over 420,000 page views, is about making charitable contributions in lieu of wasteful and costly wedding centerpieces. I wonder how many brides actually took my advice?

My 2023 New Year’s resolution is all about closure, and although I am skeptical, I remain ever hopeful for the elusive to finally come to an end.

Lastly, I wish my readers a happy, healthy, and fortunate New Year. And I hope that 2023 brings freedom, equality, justice, and political peace to not just some of us but all of us.

The Teri Tome–My 2021 Hits and Misses

If anyone would have told me when I first launched The Teri Tome back in 2015 that I would be writing this post while holed up in my house waiting for a pandemic surge to peak…

Well, you know the answer to that one.

Last January, which seems like eons ago, I had myself convinced that this “thing” would be over by mid-2021, so by summer, I was trying to get back to some semblance of a new normal.

But then came November, and it was Groundhog Day all over again. An unwelcome repeat of a repeat of a repeat.

As someone with an addictive personality, it’s not good to have so much time on my hands, so thank God I love to write.

And although a part of me cringes when I go back and read some of my more personal posts, I can’t stop baring myself.

It’s my only relief—my only way up and out. A written record of Teri that I don’t want to write, but it practically writes itself.

And anyway, what the hell else do I have to do with my time?

2021 was one big stay-at-home blur for me. I went to Target once, the food store three times, and out to eat eight times. I saw my sister twice and the grandkids four times. Those visits with the grandkids were for sure the only thing that kept me going over those twelve long and mostly solitary-except-for-my-husband months.

I had a severe case of writer’s block back in 2020 and then couldn’t stop writing in 2021.

I was obsessively writing it all out—I mean like 24/7, and yet I only published 17 blog posts in 2021. And while those 17 posts collectively amassed over 60,000 page views, the bulk of my Teri musings remained unpublished and will probably never see the light of day.

Ironically, the posts that brought in all the eyeballs—over 500,000 page views—were written way before 2021. I gained a bunch of new readers in 2021, so I’m relieved my lack of recent material didn’t affect the traffic to my blog.

Anyway, here are my top three best-performing blog posts from 2021. I threw in the blog post with the fewest views because I’m hoping you’ll read it.

And since the older posts brought in most of my traffic, I’ve included the #1 hit of all Teri Tome time (2015-2021).

I’ll start with the blog post hardly anyone clicked on in 2021:

He Was Arrested for Alleged Sexual Abuse: This post garnered over 1,000 page views in 2021, but I was discouraged that it wasn’t as widely read as I wanted or thought it should be. Perhaps it’s because the MeToo movement is still a misunderstood and struggling work in progress, just like me.       

And now for my Top Three 2021 posts:

#1 HIT IN 2021

My Stolen Diaries – Chapter 7: A New School With a Side of Baptism: To be honest with you, I wrote this back in 1992—pulled from my unfinished novel titled My Stolen Diaries, which I’ve been writing ever since. I hope that the thousands of hits that this 29-year-old chapter garnered will give me the push I need to keep posting the book on my blog.

#2 HIT IN 2021

The Pam Project: I was thrilled to see that this post about my cousin Pam garnered over 10,000 page views. In honor of Pam, I have been building and furnishing a dollhouse for a most remarkable young lady in California. And this post is still in the works because I’m just now finishing it up. I can’t wait to share the final photos of the happy home with my readers, but mostly looking forward to making a beautiful little girl smile.

 #3 HIT IN 2021

Dinner Party Playlist: This blog post is different from anything I have written. It’s a part playlist, part Teri history, and part fond memories of my late great musical mentor Sally White of Westport, Connecticut.   

#1 HIT OF ALL TERI TOME TIME (2015-2021)

Wedding Centerpieces that Can Save the World: My #1 blog post of all time (2015-2021) is about wedding centerpieces that could save somebody’s world. I was ecstatic to see that for the first time since the 2015 launch of The Teri Tome, my “Bullies Are Cowards” post did not take the #1 spot. At almost 300,000 page views, I wonder how many brides actually took my advice?

So much for 2021.

My 2022 New Year’s resolution is to leave 2021 behind, but most importantly, to leave my house! And 2022 might just be the year that my FOE (fear of everything) gets resolved. I want my FOMO back!

I want to wish my readers a happy, healthy, and safe New Year.

And I also hope that 2022 brings you wellness, equality, and political peace.